International Drama/Theatre and Education Association (IDEA), International Society of Education through Art (InSEA), International Society for Music Education (ISME) and World Dance Alliance (WDA) have joined together to create the World Alliance for Arts Education – a powerful voice for advocacy, networking and research.
Created in 2006, in response to UNESCO’s reduced commitment to arts education, the World Alliance for Arts Education is committed to advancing arts education for all learners, at all age levels,
in formal and informal settings, and across all arts disciplines. Working as a united force for arts education, the partnership of the four organizations is uniquely designed to work
alongside one another. WAAE does not gather membership fees. Members of the four organizations are automatically members of WAAE. Events held under the auspices of WAAE are
often partnered with other local and/or national organizations further demonstrating our desire to work alongside one another, across cultures, histories, and socio-economic affiliations. Each
world summit or conference is thematically oriented in an effort to address local or regional concerns within an international community. We are ever grateful to volunteers for assisting us
as we work toward reaching our mandate.
We are proud to be advocating for arts education worldwide. More information on our work can be found throughout this website. Feel free to contact any one on the WAAE Forum should
you wish more information than what is provided here.
Current WAAE Chair:
Professor Ralph Buck (Chair, WAAE Executive Council)
Head of Dance Studies, Associate Dean International, Faculty of Creative Arts and Industries
The University of Auckland
WAAE Conference Organisation:
Mr. Joachim Reiss
Mr. Christof Heinz
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